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Heads Up
- 23 January 2024 -
Possibility of 15-20% AAS ad interim appointment
Valentien Spanhove goes into maternity leave at the end of March. Educational tasks amounting to 15-20% will be taken care of ad interim.

Interested or questions? Contact Team HR.
Temporary deployment in support of ACREHAB
The Academy of Rehabilitation Sciences (ACREHAB), the post-forming institute within our department, is looking for temporary (February-April) logistical and operational support to help prepare and frame the post-forming sessions, in exchange for temporary expansion.
  • Only part-time AAS members (assistants from 2nd term onwards, doctoral assistants and teaching assistants) we can temporarily expand 20% to 30% for this purpose.
  • Interested or questions? Contact ACREHAB co-leads Jessica and Roel, and Team HR.

In addition, ACREHAB is looking for a new full-time staff member
Please do not hesitate to share the vacancy (internal recruitment round) with potential interested parties.
Purchase of gift vouchers
Gift vouchers are often given to participants in studies. Due to a policy change at Bol. it is no longer possible for Ghent University to buy gift vouchers there.
But the solution is Kadonation: everything can be purchased via order and invoice, so no hassle with reimbursement afterwards.

How to proceed? Well, same same as other average orders: contact Team Finance and it will soon be taken care of.
Francqui Chair 2024 for prof. Barbara Cagnie
Colleague prof. Barbara Cagnie is this year awarded the Francqui Chair at UCLouvain, congratulations!
Besides the inaugural address on Thursday 22 February, she will give four more lectures this spring around the topic Prevention of low back and neck pain.

More info and registration for those interested.
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Let it know via thibault.bonte@ugent.be!